Although I decided not to seek reelection as an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, I'm still committed to being a good neighbor. Knowing many of the challenges ahead for our next commission, I was excited to partner with my fellow outgoing ANC 8A Commissioners to host a candidates' forum just for our neighborhood. These important, hyper local roles rarely receive the consideration they deserve. It was an honor to help create a space where our neighbors running to represent us were able to share their vision and plans for our neighborhood and to help our voting neighbors get the information they need to make an informed decision.
The virtual forum held on Sunday, September 27, 2020 was co-hosted by Commissioners Dorcas Agyei, Ty'on Jones, and Troy Donté Prestwood and moderated by John Johnson.
Part 1 of 2
Welcome by outgoing Commissioners Dorcas Agyei, Hanna Baker, Ty'on Jones, and Troy Donté Prestwood
Guidelines by Moderator John Johnson
Introduction of 8A05 Panel
Part 2 of 2
8A05 Panel with Michael Grier and Jamila White
8A04 Panel with Laneice Moore and Moses Smith [at 10:00]
8A07 Panel with Terri Lorraine Acker and Steven DeAndre Tiller [at 24:00]
8A06 Panel with Aiyi'nah Ford, Kristina Leszczak and Isaac Smith. [at 39:00]